Find Your Professional Pathway with a Support Network on Campus
UCR offers master's and doctoral students a range of career development resources, including workshops, individual counseling sessions, and tools. Read on to discover how the Career Center, the Graduate Student Association, GradSuccess, and the Alumni Association can assist you on your professional journey.
On Campus ResourcesCareer Center
You can schedule an appointment to meet with the Graduate Student Career Specialist and discuss career-related topics including:
- Job search strategies
- Curriculum vitae (CV), resume, and cover letter writing
- Interview preparation
- Career pathway exploration and career decision making
- Job Offer/Salary Negotiation
Make an appointment through Handshake, by calling the Career Center at (951) 827-3631, or at the Career Center front desk.Drop-ins do not require an appointment and graduate students are welcome to come in during drop-in hours Mondays through Thursdays from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. and Fridays from 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Drop-in sign up is located at the Career Center's front desk. You are also welcome to pop into our weekly job search support group for graduate students on Fridays. Please check Handshake for most up-to-date schedule.
Graduate Student Association (GSA) Career Center Liaison
Our GSA Career Center Liaison for the 2023-24 academic year is Ms. Hasmeet Kalra. Hasmeet is a graduate student in the MBA program from the A. Gary Anderson School of Business. She will act as a liaison between the career center and the GSA advocating for graduate students. She was a lawyer before coming to UCR and her current focus is in HR.
Hasmeet's office hour this Spring is from 2:30pm - 3:30pm on Wednesday at the Career Center. You can reach her for any questions by email at
- Online Resources
International Students
Please contact the International Students & Scholars office for any work authorization (CPT/OPT) related questions. Here is a link to their website regarding employment/work authorization.
Any questions about internship credits and eligibilities, please contact your academic department. Once you've obtained an internship, you can fill out the internship form HERE.
Grad Student Support
GradSuccess Director, Dr. Dawn Loyola is here to provide a wide range of services for graduate students. Please visit GradSuccess website for more information about GradSuccess programs.
Graduate Student Resource Center Coordinator, Jason Chou is here to support you. Talk to him about individual career development plans (myIDP, ChemIDP, ImaginePhD), career development in graduate school, and international graduate student concerns. Contact Jason via his email to set up an appointment, and visit Graduate Student Resource Center website for more information about their programs. -
Professional Development Events
Connect with GradSuccess to learn more about these programs:
Career Resources
Connect with GradSuccess to learn more about these resources:
Alumni Association
Career Services and Resources
The Alumni Association offers in-person and online career services to both UCR alumni and current students, including:
Resources & Tools
Career Planning and Development Tools
Goal Setting and Assessments
- MyIDP provides an assessment, career track, and goal-setting tool for graduate students in STEM fields.
- ImaginePhD provides an assessment, career track, and goal-setting tool for graduate students in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.
- ChemIDP provides an assessment, career track, and goal-setting tool for graduate students in the chemical sciences.
- UCLA's Career Preparation Toolkit
CV/Resume Tips
Graduate Writing Center's Helpful Links
Job Star’s CV and resume pages
Job Search’s CV page
Duke University’s CV page
- CV and Resume Samples for each College
Podcast - What the Heck Comes Next?!
Listen to episodes of the podcast created by the Career Center and Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) for UCR Graduate Students titled - What the Heck Comes Next? here.
Career Paths
Academic Careers
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity features resources for graduate students and junior faculty in the form of webinars, writing support, and mentoring. Free access through UCR’s institutional account.
The Professor Is In features Karen Kelsky’s articles and webinars, “Unstuck” productivity program, and job application consultation services (fee-based).
Beyond the Professoriate offers career education and professional development services for graduate students pursuing careers in academic and non-academic fields.
Non-Academic Careers
Versatile PhD offers forums and job listings divided into STEM and humanities/social science fields.
Cheeky Scientist is a fee-based job search and training platform for PhDs transitioning into industry careers.
Beyond the Professoriate offers career education and professional development services for graduate students pursuing careers in academic and non-academic fields.
Job Seeking Experiences from The Chronicle of Higher Ed’s discussion forum
Job Search Sites
- Industry
- Nonprofit
- Higher Education
- Government
International Student Resources
Please click on the link below to access different job search resources